Friday, October 15, 2010


     What motivates me as a learner?
There are many motivaters for me as a learner.  Requirements and deadlines, as elementary as they sound the have honeslty motivated me to get in there and get things done.  Maybe this isn't the most profound way to motivate someone to learn something, but I have to admit, it's effective. 
Another motivator for me as a learner would most certainly have to be if I love it.  Throughout my years in education I never really had that amazing history teacher that made the difference.  But I loved learning about history.  Day to day things would spark my interest and I would be in the encyclopedia, on the internet.  I loved learning about it and just a want to know about it was motivation for me.
Of course, I can't deny the amazing motivation that comes from teachers.  They really do make all the difference in a learning experience.  I have two favorite teachers.  Not because they were the coolest, or the youngest, but because they cared for all their students equally.  They were energetic about their subjects.  Would never give up on you.  And yet, were ridget about the way their class was run.  They were consistant and tough but also sympathetic to who their students were as individuals as well as rewarding.  They made me want to strive for more.  Do even better on the next project.  They challenged me to make a postivie difference in the world.  Their love for teaching and their students went beyong the classroom.  If that doesn't motivate you...I fear nothing would.

     What do I think will motivate my future students?
My future students, I hope, will be motivated by me.  I decided to go into education because we need great teachers.  I want to make a difference.  I want children to love to learn and understand that it's ok to not be perfectly genius in all their subjects.  I think I can help my students to feel this motivation by never giving up them.  Creating a safe and postivite learning enviorment were respect for everyone is high prised in my classroom.  I feel like this was created a motivating factor for learning.  A fostering classroom environment would have to motivate. 

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